Item 3b:  24/10837 Land adjacent to the Wheelwrights Post, Salisbury Road, Burgate, Fordingbridge, SP6 1LX (Application 24/10837)



Further letter received from Pennyfarthing Homes (PFH) which makes the following points:

Concern expressed regarding impact on their land of providing a link between the application site and the new link road. This link will increase their development costs and will also add to the burden of future maintenance costs. In addition, the link may impact on a newly provided badger sett and have other ecological implications. Legal right of access/easement also required across their land. Connectivity to the link road and bus stops needs to be made in a different way as they consider the link as shown will not be deliverable.


Further letter received from the applicant’s agent in response to the PFH letter as follows:

·         The application before you is acceptable as it is shown, and it has support from Hampshire County Highway Authority (HCC) on that basis. HCC are aware that the delivery of the footpath is contingent on land outside the applicants control and is therefore not within the applicant’s power to deliver. As such, it is clear that HCC’s support of the scheme is not reliant upon the delivery of the footpath.

·         Pennyfarthing Homes have no objection in principle to the proposals.

·         The gate has been provided at the request of officers and provides the potential for future additional connectivity options should that be deliverable.

·         As such, the provision of a gate ensures any future opportunity isn’t lost at this stage. But it is important to note that the delivery of any footpath on another site outside of the applicant’s control isn’t for this application to consider.

·         The gate on our site and footpath off site are not essential to make the development acceptable, and approvable.

·         We note the point regarding the location of the gate on the boundary and will amend the location of the gate so that is (sic) sits just within the site boundary.



No change to the Recommendation.

The conditions as set out in the report have been shared with the applicant who has made various amendment suggestions. Officers consider the following changes to conditions are acceptable and that the conditions should be amended as follows.

2.            Approved plans and reports

Approved plans and reports to be updated to reflect the latest submissions following the change to the red line boundary.

4.            Building materials and details


Amend first paragraph to read as follows:


No development above ground slab level shall commence until the exact finished                 ground floor level and ridge heights of the building in relation to the existing site and road levels are submitted to and agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.


5.            Tree and hedgerow protection


Correct typo on name of Tree consultant


6.            Hard and Soft Landscaping Detailed Design          


Amend first paragraph to read as follows:


No development above slab level shall take place until a scheme of detailed hard and soft landscaping plans for the site are submitted for approval in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This scheme shall include:


11.         Environmental protection – odour and noise from kitchens

Amend first paragraph to read as follows:

No development above ground slab level shall commence until a scheme and maintenance schedule for the extraction and treatment of fumes and odours generated from cooking or any other activity undertaken on the premises, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Any equipment, plant or process provided or undertaken in pursuance of this condition shall be installed prior to the first occupation of the premises and these shall thereafter be operated and retained in compliance with the approved scheme.


12.         Environmental protection – noise from air source heat pumps


Amend condition to read as follows:


No development above ground slab level shall take place until an assessment in accordance with MCS Planning Standards for Permitted Development Installations of Wind Turbines and Air Source Heat Pumps on Domestic Premises is carried out to determine the potential noise impact from the proposed Air Source Heat Pump to neighbouring residential properties. A scheme for any noise attenuation shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and agreed in writing and implemented in full prior to the occupation of the care home.



15.         Environmental Protection - Lighting Strategy


Amend first paragraph to read as follows:      


No development above ground slab level shall take place until a scheme showing the details of the external lighting of the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. These details shall include the predictions of vertical illuminance (Ev) affecting nearby human receptors. The lighting installation shall comply with the recommendations of the Institution of Lighting Professionals (ILP).


22.         Surface water drainage

Amend submitted version of drainage strategy to Rev 7 in first paragraph.



Item 3c:  Land rear of Waltons Avenue, Holbury, Fawley SO45 2LU (Application 24/10656)

1 additional letter of objection – concern that proposal is not compliant with Nationally Described Space Standards


Item 3d: Woodbury, 2 Viney Road, Lymington, SO41 8FF (Application 25/10039)

This application has been withdrawn from the agenda.


Item 3e: Threeways Cottage, Rockbourne, SP6 3NL (Application 24/11008)

1 Correction to ‘background’ section – reference to Marsh Farm Cottage as a Grade II Listed Building should read ‘Coutts Cottage (Grade II Listed Building)’. Marsh Farm Cottage is not a Listed Building.


Item 3f: Walcot House, Blackfield Road, Fawley, SO45 1ED (Application 25/10058)

Since writing the recommendation report:-

A revised block plan was received to show the position of the sign more accurately.

The number of letters of support has now increased to 10 (was 6). 

The number of letters of objection has now increased to 18 (was 10).

The reasons for support and objection are the same.


Item 3g: Site of 41 – 43, Manor Road, Ringwood, BH24 1RB (Application 24/10919)

The agent has requested an amendment to the proposed wording of condition 12 which presently reads as follows:

12. No development or vegetation clearance shall take place between March 1st to August 31st inclusive.

Reason: To safeguard breeding / over-wintering birds in accordance with the Policies ENV3 and ENV4 of the Local Plan 2016-2036 Part One: Planning Strategy for the New Forest District outside the National Park and Policies DM1, DM2 and DW-E12 of the Local Plan for the New Forest District outside the National Park (Part 2: Sites and Development Management).

The ecologist has agreed an amendment to this which would still protect nesting birds but not prevent development from being implemented during the spring/summer months.  The amendment reads as follows:

12. No vegetation clearance or demolition shall take place between March 1st to August 31st inclusive.

Reason: To safeguard breeding / over-wintering birds in accordance with the Policies ENV3 and ENV4 of the Local Plan 2016-2036 Part One: Planning Strategy for the New Forest District outside the National Park and Policies DM1, DM2 and DW-E12 of the Local Plan for the New Forest District outside the National Park (Part 2: Sites and Development Management).